sadhu board, standing on the nails

How to choose the Sadhu Boards?

Як вибрати Дошки Садху? фото

The rhythm of modern life is exhausting, and in order to keep healthy and find harmony with yourself, it is important to stop and listen to your body. The practice on the sadhu nail board is an effective tool for self-discovery, and it can help you not only strengthen your spirit but also improve your body. If you regularly stand on nails, you can release the hidden potential that will restore the balance of energy, give you strength for development and self-improvement. The main thing is to choose the right accessories.

Sadhu boards differ not only in size, but also in the material of manufacture, which can be as follows:

  • natural wood
  • laminated or regular plywood;
  • plastic;

The experts recommend preferring products made of natural wood, moisture-resistant plywood of the first grade, which are impregnated with wax or oil, or covered with natural varnish. Natural material in the board for nail standing is ideal for organizing energy flows in the human body.

How to choose the correct Sadhu boards?Як вибрати дошки Садху?

Before you order a Sadhu board, you should decide on a few important parameters. In addition to the material of the board, you should pay attention to:

The shape. The model can be oval, rectangular, violin-shaped or cloud-shaped, and others. The most practical are oval and rectangular boards.

Size. The product is selected based on the length of the foot. It is recommended to use a Sadhu board that is slightly larger than the foot.

Covering. A sadhu board made of natural wood or moisture-resistant plywood should be coated with a special agent that protects the product from moisture and mechanical damage. Usually, the base is covered with natural varnish, eco-paint or oil.

Distance between the nails. This is the main point when choosing a Sadhu board, and it is this parameter that you need to pay the most attention to!

Nail material

The color of the board, as well as engraving (design on the sadhu board) - This is only a visual component of the board, but of course, each user can put meaning into the design.

Sadhu board: which nails are better?

The effectiveness and sensations of using a Sadhu board depend on the characteristics of the nails it is equipped with. They can be made of different materials: ferrous metal nails are not practical and durable - they rust quickly, lose their aesthetics and functionality. It is recommended to give preference to nails made of such materials:

Metal coated with zinc or copper. They do not rust, are durable and affordable.

Copper. This is a useful material that has a positive effect on the human body. Copper nails are more expensive than galvanized nails, but their cost is justified by their healing and strengthening effect.

Copper-galvanized combination. Consists of 50% galvanized and 50% copper nails. This ratio maximizes the useful properties of both metals.

Stainless steel. Wear-resistant, practical material that does not lose its aesthetics and functionality over time.

Silver. An expensive type of metal that has a healing effect. Not everyone can afford silver nails, but those who were lucky enough to experience their effectiveness say that the result justifies the high cost.

Bamboo. A natural material, each nail in such a board is handmade and a work of art. A board with such nails is lightweight, compact, and extremely beautiful.

What distance between the nails of the Sadhu board to choose?

Дошка садху 8 чи 10 мм

The distance between the nails is an important parameter to consider when choosing a tool for Sadhu practice. For beginners, an 8 or 10 mm (0.31 or 0.39 in) Sadhu board is suitable - this distance between the nails will allow you to gently enter meditation and find your own balance. A lot of people doubt which model to choose. Experienced craftsmen say that to make the right decision, you just need to hear your inner voice. If you are afraid, it is better to buy a product with a nail spacing of 8 or 10 mm (0.31 or 0.39 in), and for those who are confident in their abilities, the option with a pitch of 12 or 15 mm (0.47 or 0.59 in) is suitable.

How to choose a Sadhu board for a beginner?

A wide range of models is confusing for beginners. Experienced craftsmen recommend giving preference to boards with a distance between nails of up to 10 mm (0.39 in). The smaller this value, the more comfortable it is to stand on the nails.

It is best to give preference to products made of natural materials. The most popular are Sadhu boards for beginners made of wood impregnated with oil or beeswax. It is good if the nails are copper, silver or galvanized. The length of the base should be 1-2 cm (0.5-1 in) longer than the foot.

Before you start practicing with a Sadhu board, you need to tune in. If you overcome the inner barrier, you will definitely be able to unleash your potential and strengthen your body. The presence of fear will hinder development, so you should get rid of it at the preparatory stage.

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