What is nail therapy and what are its benefits?

What is nail therapy and what are its benefits?

Nail therapy is a unique wellness practice that involves standing or lying on a board with nails. The practice on the Sadhu board, which you can buy in the Metadesk store, has deep historical roots in the traditions of Eastern healing practices. Modern research confirms that this technique can help improve physical and psycho-emotional well-being by activating the body's internal resources for recovery. What is nail therapy - read further in the article.

How does nail therapy work?

The nail therapy method is based on the impact of metal nails placed at an equal distance from each other on certain areas of the body. This impact exerts pressure on the skin, activating nerve endings, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the body's energy channels.

Nail therapy is based on several principles:
Reflexology. Stimulation of biologically active points on the body with the help of pressure helps to improve the functioning of internal organs and the nervous system.
Tension reduction. The process of nail therapy helps to relax muscles and reduce stress.
Awareness and attention. This method requires full concentration, which contributes to emotional harmony and improvement of the psycho-emotional state.

Sadhu Board with moon engraving (116) in stockSadhu Board with moon engraving (116) in stock

What is nail therapy for?

Nail therapy has a comprehensive effect on the body, including improving physical condition, emotional background and energy balance.

Activation of blood circulation. The impact of nails stimulates capillaries, improving blood supply to tissues and organs.

Muscle relaxation. Nail therapy helps to relieve tension from the deep muscle layers, especially in the back and legs.

Reducing the level of stress. Nail therapy promotes the release of endorphins, which helps improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Strengthening the immune system. Regular nail therapy sessions activate the body's defense mechanisms, increasing overall tone and resistance to infections.

Improved concentration. Practice on nails develops attention and awareness.

Aromatherapy with palo santo sticks can be used as an addition to nail therapy.

Sadhu Board with moon engraving (116) in stock

What are the contraindications?

  • Any emotional disturbance can reduce the effectiveness of the practice, so you should practice in a state of mental balance. Before you start practicing with nails, read the list of contraindications:
  • mental disorders;
  • open wounds and injuries on the feet;
  • alcohol intoxication or a condition caused by drug use;
  • colds, fever, fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins and other diseases of the venous system.

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How do you learn to stand on nails?

  • First of all, it is important to realize and remind yourself that it is absolutely safe, despite the severe pain. It is impossible to get injured, even if you stand on the board for a long time.
  • Developing stress resistance, improving safety, and the ability to relax even in the most stressful situations are the main reasons why you should try nail therapy. Here are some recommendations for beginners from a professional in nail therapy:
  • stand up while exhaling to be on the board while inhaling;
  • master slow, deep yoga-style breathing to make it easier to endure stressful moments;
  • use auxiliary objects, such as window sills, when getting on and off the board;
  • learn to relax, because standing on the board is impossible with tension and holding your breath - you need to breathe slowly and deeply;
  • if you cannot stand up on your own, it is better to sign up for nail-stud lessons.

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